Growth Mindset and the Challenge ahead

(Picture from Laura Gibbs who obtained it from cheezburger)

I view my life as one big challenge after the next in my schoolwork it is difficult to manage time all the while still working on things outside of my classes. One example of the outside things that comes to mind is my novel, which seems to be just outside of my reach due to all the time management that I am having to do this semester. As a writer I constantly find myself face to face with a wide array of challenges that inspire me to do better and to work harder. I also find myself at a loss when it comes to having time for my own self care regimens. However, work must always be done even when It seems challenging. I think many people can learn a lot by challenging themselves and this is no exception to the Christian Faith as well. I have learned that being a Christian sometimes is a challenge due to my sexuality and due to the constant amounts of study that one must do in order to know the diety that one's religion professes. I hope that this post finds everyone well and that we can continue to grow as students as we face new challenges in our professional and private lives.

Shaun Beck


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