Reading part A: The Fate of the Children of Lir.

(Photo found at Pixabay of a Celtic Woman witch)

      Throughout these Celtic readings, I have found that the stories are inspiring me for a fantasy story. I am thinking about maybe a warlock and maybe he is working together with several other warlocks to cast a spell to aid a king but one of the warlocks gets jealous of the other warlocks and decides to use his magic for evil rather than good. The warlock clan uses runes in order to perform some of their spells. The king asks them for a fortune telling using tarot and the prophecy might come true and if it does it would put the world in a firestorm of war.


The Fate of the Children of Lir by Joseph Jacobs.


  1. Hello, just dropping in to check out some other people's reading notes to see how my own compare. I really like the style that you have used versus just using bullet points like I usually do. I think I may try this out next time as it is easier on the eyes and kinda gives a brief overview of the story overall. Great job and hope you are having a great semester.


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