Wikipedia Trails Extra Credit: from Bracers to Archery

(Photo found on Wikipedia)

I have found the sport of archery to be interesting but my original search brought up the page about bracers. I found that this page was very interesting because the original bracers that were worn by Native Americans were made of bone. The way how the bracers became decorated is that they were made from different material so that elements of turquoise could be added as decoration on them.

The next page was an arrowhead page. Arrowheads are wonderful pieces of art and it gives us a glimpse into how civilizations prior to us hunted for their food. These pieces of art were mainly made of stone and were sharpened often to ensure the clean kill of the animals that would be used for food and clothing. These were later modified to create the modern arrow that we know today

the next page describes that arrowsmiths made arrowheads and fletcher's make the body of the arrow as we know it today. Arrows were used for centuries and they predate even recorded history. It is interesting to read about the history behind the arrow.

My final page that I looked into was the page about archery. Archery is a sport in which people attempt to hit a target with an arrow. The game was invented in the 1860's and has been an entertaining event for many years. Competitions still take place in the United States and several other countries.

Bracer wiki
Arrowhead wiki
Arrow wiki
Target Archery Wiki


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